My Christmas Wishlist as of November 2012
November, a month before Christmas (December) and for some people, they have started their own Christmas shopping gift list. Sale alerts are all over the places, Tiangge / Bargain Shopping stalls are now everywhere.
I wanted to have these stuffs before the year ends. Wishing...
1. New Sofa Bed
I've been searching for an affordable sofa bed for my home.
2. Computer Table
I promise to purchase a new table before the year ends.
3. New Desktop PC
I need a new desktop pc so that I can comfortably work at home
4. Hello Kitty Remote Control Scooter
Just a toy, I just want it :) - a Hello Kitty fanatic here :)
5. Spa
Please give me discounts or GC if you have one! No more stress please.
6. Facial Treatment
My brother gave a GC, I'm planning to use it on weekend.
7. Out of Town Trip anywhere outside Manila
Hey friends, any plans? Let me know!
Merry Christmas, LOL
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