Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday - My first experience to practice the tradition of visiting seven churches in USA. It was explain to us that "seven churches" were meant to be the seven stations that were made by Jesus on his way to Calvary:

1st visit Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22: 39-46)
2nd Visit: Jesus bound and taken before Annas (John 18: 19-22)
3rd Visit: Jesus taken before the High Priest, Caiaphas (Matthew 26: 63-65)
4th Visit: Jesus taken before Pilate (John 18,35-37)
5th Visit: Jesus taken before Herod (Luke 23: 8-9; 11)
6th Visit: Jesus taken before Pilate again (Matthew 27: 22-26)
7th Visit: Jesus given the crown of thorns and led to his crucifixion (Matthew 27: 27-31)

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As we enter the most holy days, this is the best time for you to repent and offer a prayer. We're fortunate that Our Lady of Ransom Church offered a bus tour pilgrimage to visit seven churches in Chicago (as one of the OLR's tradition), for us to be reminded the great gift we have a perfect devotion for the Most Holy Sacrament and remembering our Lord's sacrifice and love.

St. Mary of the Angels (Chicago)
St. Josaphat (Chicago)
St. Michael (Chicago)
St. Alphonsus (Chicago)
St. Andrew (Chicago)
St. Benedict (Chicago)
OLR (Niles)


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