
Showing posts from February, 2022

Keep Stress at Bay and Fun at the Ready on Your Next Family Vacation

  Families who postponed their usual trips or vacations over the last few years have some catching up to do! And after so much time spent at home and finding ways to entertain your kids while all stuck in the same place, the prospect of getting out and seeing the world again may be especially exciting. But traveling with kids will remain as hectic as it ever was ā€“ especially if theyā€™ve been cooped up and have a lot of energy to blow off. Fortunately, there are many ways to ease the stress of traveling with children to ensure a great time for everyone in the family. Here, Glamour Moments explains how to make it happen. Leave early in the day. If you can get the kids bundled into the car before the sun is even up, you can get a jump on some of that dangerous rush hour traffic. Plus, the kids may fall back to sleep for a few hours, then wake up feeling excited and refreshed. This will give you parents a little time to ease into the trip quietly, too. It cuts a little bit of tim...

How Seniors Can Take Control of Their Lives

  Everyone wants to be in control of his or her own life. However, this may feel particularly daunting for seniors, who face a number of obstacles in society. Thatā€™s why Glamour Moments has put together some tips and resources to help you take charge of your health and enjoy the rich, fulfilling life you deserve!   Image from Pexels Physical Health   As an older adult, you have a lot of experience taking care of your own body. Use this to your advantage by tailoring your  diet  and  physical activity  to your specific circumstances. Itā€™s important that you get enough exercise but donā€™t be afraid to modify your routine to accommodate your changing needs. For example, if you enjoyed biking when you were younger, the added comfort of a recumbent bike may be just what you need to get back to your old hobby.   Everyone needs a trusted primary care provider, but this type of doctor is particularly helpful for seniors who are more likely to b...